v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF00 X64 available from MS Update Catalog -
100% generic (includes the generic hdxrt.inf & hdxsst.inf files) [posted 5/16/2020] - WHQL for Windows from Win7 to Win10
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(direct cab download link to 8924 HDA FF00 64bit) - an alternative than to download generic 8924 HDA from Lenovo
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v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF04 from Hewlett-Packard (sp102278) (for most Compaq/HP computers only,
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v6.0.8934.1 HDA FF01 from Hewlett-Packard (sp103630) (for most Compaq/HP computers only,
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only HP & Compaq users get to use either 8924 FF04 or 8934 FF01
v6.0.8934.1 HDA A02 + Maxx
audio from Dell (for Dell Wyse 5070 & 5470 AIO PCs only,
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only certain Dell users with Realtek HWIDs listed in the hdxadcmax8.inf & hdxadcmax8s.inf files can use this version
note - 8934 HDA A02 is declared a "security fix" by Dell
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Edit 5/22 -
v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF00 X86/32bit available from MS Update Catalog -
100% generic (includes the generic hdart.inf file) [posted 5/22/2020] - WHQL for Windows from Win7 to Win10
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(direct cab download link to 8924 HDA FF00 32bit)
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{reminder - no new generic HDA drivers higher than 8924 yet - maybe until the summer months}