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6 definition hda alanfox2000 whql 8821 latest realtek high audio 1 8791 by driver

Realtek High Definition Audio Latest WHQL
(04-29-2020, 08:47 AM)erp-ster0 Wrote: The contents of this section are hidden
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not well known with these inf details but mine is ALC1220 chipset on gigabyte , FF00 worked correctly , so whichever driver of FF00 sounds good on my 5.1 home theater, i keep that. 1
(04-29-2020, 08:50 AM)chillgates Wrote: The contents of this section are hidden
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just use either 8907 FF00 or 8924 FF00 on ALC1220 - ALC1220 chipsets first came out in late 2016
you won't see any newer FF00 HDA versions higher than 8924 until mid-May or June

edit 4/29 - reason why I mentioned the older 8799 FF00 HDA driver is because someone asked me in another forum that 8899 FF00 & higher driver versions cannot be installed on that person's system is because a legacy based ALC861 audio device was used on a very old Asus laptop and needed the 8799 driver that contained either the HDA.inf or HDX.inf file - btw, that person was using 32bit Win8.
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v6.0.8899.1 FF00 & FF01 X64 available (older version) - fully generic
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supersedes the v6.0.8882.1 FF00 & FF01 generic HDA version from my The contents of this section are hidden - 8899 FF00/FF01 is WHQL for 64bit Windows from Vista to Win10

reminder - no new HDA driver versions > 8924 until maybe late May or June - production has slowed down
MS is posting some old versions like 8899 HDA but recently in FF01 form instead of the FF00 version
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v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF00 X64 available from MS Update Catalog - 100% generic (includes the generic hdxrt.inf & hdxsst.inf files) [posted 5/16/2020] - WHQL for Windows from Win7 to Win10
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(direct cab download link to 8924 HDA FF00 64bit) - an alternative than to download generic 8924 HDA from Lenovo
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v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF04 from Hewlett-Packard (sp102278) (for most Compaq/HP computers only, non-generic)
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v6.0.8934.1 HDA FF01 from Hewlett-Packard (sp103630) (for most Compaq/HP computers only, non-generic)
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only HP & Compaq users get to use either 8924 FF04 or 8934 FF01


v6.0.8934.1 HDA A02 + Maxxaudio from Dell (for Dell Wyse 5070 & 5470 AIO PCs only, non-generic)
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only certain Dell users with Realtek HWIDs listed in the hdxadcmax8.inf & hdxadcmax8s.inf files can use this version

note - 8934 HDA A02 is declared a "security fix" by Dell
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Edit 5/22 - v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF00 X86/32bit available from MS Update Catalog - 100% generic (includes the generic hdart.inf file) [posted 5/22/2020] - WHQL for Windows from Win7 to Win10
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(direct cab download link to 8924 HDA FF00 32bit)
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{reminder - no new generic HDA drivers higher than 8924 yet - maybe until the summer months}
v6.0.8940.1 HDA FF04 from Hewlett-Packard (sp103828)  [for most Compaq/HP computers only, non-generic] - WHQL for Win10 only
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v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF01 X64 available from MS Update Catalog - 100% generic (includes the generic hdxrt.inf & hdxsst.inf files) [posted 5/23/2020] - WHQL for Windows from Win7 to Win10
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(direct cab download link to 8924 HDA FF01 64bit)
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v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF01 X86/32bit available from MS Update Catalog - 100% generic (includes the generic hdart.inf file) [posted 5/23/2020] - WHQL for Windows from Win7 to Win10
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(direct cab download link to 8924 HDA FF01 32bit)
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v6.0.8924.1 HDA FF00 X64 from Fujitsu (for certain Fujitsu/FTS based PCs only, non-generic)
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{reminder - no new generic HDA drivers higher than 8924 yet - maybe until the summer months}

(note - I'm now using generic 8924 HDA FF01 instead of 8924 HDA FF00 on most of my PCs)
(05-24-2020, 02:57 AM)erp-ster0 Wrote: The contents of this section are hidden
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Coded all links in all your reply's, please code external links
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Why are you using FF01 instead of FF00 ? What are the benefits ?
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(05-24-2020, 03:23 AM)chillgates Wrote: The contents of this section are hidden
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I kinda did it mostly out of boredom since there won't be any new generic HDA drivers until hopefully next month

FF01 HDA drivers mostly benefit most Lenovo & some HP computers - otherwise FF01 is pretty much the same as FF00 when used on PCs other than HP/Lenovo

FF01 = Fortemedia APO or FMAPO, again some HP & Lenovo brand machines make use of these DLLs

edit - though on my old HP pavilion desktop pc, I'm using an FF04 version (ex. 8924 FF04) because many HP computers make good use of FF04 instead of FF00.  but on a relative's old Dell Inspiron desktop pc, I recently made the upgrade from 8911 FF0C to 8924 FF00
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(05-25-2020, 11:16 PM)erp-ster0 Wrote: The contents of this section are hidden
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The latest 8924.1 FF00 you suggested from lenovo is really working good. Better than those github 3rd party versions. It increased quality of the audio very sharply. Actually i quoted Baltagy to answer but you replied. Thats fine i got the info.
well chillgates, this recently came completely out of left field -

v6.0.8934.1 HDA FF04 "generic" 32bit/64bit from Hewlett-Packard (sp103850) [posted 5/29/2020]

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unlike previous HDA driver packs from HP which were HP/Compaq specific, this new 8934 HDA version is 100% generic (includes generic hdart.inf, hdxrt.inf & hdxsst.inf files).  It's not an FF00 version but an FF04 version

8934 HDA version also has added new hardware device IDs into the generic hdart.inf, hdxrt.inf & hdxsst.inf files:
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and 8934 HDA is a security bug fixed version that resolves a security vulnerability - it may soon be mentioned in the following HP security bulletin regarding Realtek audio drivers:
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FF04 > Conexant integration (CXAPO) - mostly benefits Compaq/HP machines using Realtek HD Audio as the Conxeant DLL files are only used on these machines

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