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windows amp license kms38™ generation hwid 10 digital

[Windows 10] Digital License (HWID) & KMS38™ Generation
I confirm this tool works like a charm. instant eternal activaction.
[-] The following 5 users say Thank You to jvidal for this post:
  • brokenbeatz, qro, s1ave77, ShiningDog, WALLONN7
I know ive said thanks..But absolute full praise for this wonderful tool.Many many many thanks for.Ive tested on multiple laptops and pcs and i can confirm it hasn,t given me any probs..All ive tried had 7 pro licence in bios ..All win 7 machines are still good for official microsoft upgrade but this tool makes a lot more sense and is technically same process only less time. Magic stuff..
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to Delboy for this post:
  • brokenbeatz, s1ave77, ShiningDog, WALLONN7
I can only agree its amazing, now we only need a tool to do the same with office, but as slave77 pointed out it wont be coming, (but Who knows ! so lets dream about that, and again a million thanks slave77 1
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to donkeygirl for this post:
  • brokenbeatz, qro, s1ave77, WALLONN7
RELEASE v10.15

v10.15 added Enterprise LTSB 2015 (N) support (tested on non-N version) (thanks to hwidmod for the gatherosstate.exe needed)
[-] The following 10 users say Thank You to s1ave77 for this post:
  • ARMOUR, brokenbeatz, Delboy, donkeygirl, jabrwky, jcvo, l33tissw00t, paintbrush, qro, ShiningDog
RELEASE v10.18

v10.18 fixed broken LTSB 2016 process
[-] The following 8 users say Thank You to s1ave77 for this post:
  • ARMOUR, brokenbeatz, Delboy, jabrwky, jcvo, paintbrush, PriSim, qro
RELEASE v10.21

v10.21 corrected the Win 7 compat entry (thanks to the alert source)
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to s1ave77 for this post:
  • ARMOUR, brokenbeatz, jabrwky, paintbrush
RELEASE v10.24

v10.24 fixed incorrect reg delete (thanks to angelkyo for the hint)
[-] The following 15 users say Thank You to s1ave77 for this post:
  • ARMOUR, brokenbeatz, D1mar0n, Delboy, donkeygirl, jabrwky, paintbrush, PriSim, qro, RafaelRafito, SB7, ShiningDog, Skunk1966, stylish2475, WALLONN7
Used it for the first time last night, activated Enterprise LTSB (non-n) 2016 perfectly 1
Thank you!
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to l33tissw00t for this post:
  • 654321ROD, brokenbeatz, s1ave77, WALLONN7
I used this package yesterday for the first time and am highly impressed 8 .

Well done.
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to 654321ROD for this post:
  • brokenbeatz, s1ave77, WALLONN7
I tested this one and its really good one. 1
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to sledge101 for this post:
  • PriSim, qro, s1ave77, WALLONN7

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