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27 24 28 23 21 26 29 25 7 x roguekiller 12 13 16 2 cmd 5 3

RogueKiller 16.x / 5.x (CMD)
RogueKiller v16.1.0 / v5.1.0 (CMD)
[Image: hQmbGBQrQJVOIhxHbOx1rfHpMm-images-s-.png]
RogueKiller is an anti-malware app for advanced users capable of removing stubborn malware based on a list of signatures and heuristic analysis. 
It is thus able to detect and remove a broad range of known and unknown malware. Its capabilities make it an outstanding tool to eliminate the most resistant infections, like rootkits.
  Using RogueKiller is therefore particularly recommended for malware removal, but it can also be used to ensure the integrity of the operating system. Indeed, no risk of conflict with an existing antivirus is to be expected.
  Roguekiller is a popular and an effective tool to remove some stubborn malware but be warned; you better know what you’re doing. While a lot of more well-known tools will only scan and delete for you, this tool will show you everything it finds that is a possible problem. You need to know what to remove and what not to remove, or you could delete something you want, or need. 

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[-] The following 12 users say Thank You to Alv37 for this post:
  • , devwithaz, dwarka, gnbtech, kofer7777, Needy1, nodnar, paresh, Squalyzer, SunLion, TanMan, WALLONN7
Roguekiller Premium

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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Dean213 for this post:
Alv37 Wrote:The contents of this section are hidden
You have No permissionsThank-you
All you have to do to stay in trial mode is delete the folder located at C:/ProgramData/RogueKiller..You can then start trial again
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to uffbros for this post:
  • Alv37, Ponch
v14.7.0.0 is out
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v14.7.1.0 is out
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v14.7.3.0 & v2.13.1.0 (CMD) are out
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v14.7.4.0 & v2.13.3.0 (CMD) are out
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v14.8.0.0 & v2.14.0.0 (CMD) are out
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v14.8.1.0 & v2.14.1.0 (CMD) are out
Frontpage updated.

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