11-13-2022, 04:19 AM
So I've done more reading about this and what can be done about it. Most of the non-user, offsite tracking is based on tracking pixels: 1x1 white .gif images that connect you to that tech giant's servers. It's done to circumvent cookie blocking. This will also track users, but they're already in the system, sooo...
The limitation of this method is that these images need to communicate with Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, ect. That's done through that company's various servers. That means you can block their URLs in your Hosts file, with a browser extension, on a DNS server like PiHole, or with a custom router like OPNSense.
These companies have multiple URLs, and most of them aren't instantly visible as what they are. Ex: Bytedance - tnc16-useast1a.byteoversea.com That's just one of Bytedance's many, many tracking URLs.
I'm sure there are many more I should add to my list, but this is where to start, I think.
Switched to Linux's video on the topic:
Some Blocklists I use:
The limitation of this method is that these images need to communicate with Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, ect. That's done through that company's various servers. That means you can block their URLs in your Hosts file, with a browser extension, on a DNS server like PiHole, or with a custom router like OPNSense.
These companies have multiple URLs, and most of them aren't instantly visible as what they are. Ex: Bytedance - tnc16-useast1a.byteoversea.com That's just one of Bytedance's many, many tracking URLs.
I'm sure there are many more I should add to my list, but this is where to start, I think.
Switched to Linux's video on the topic: