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windows amp license kms38™ generation hwid 10 digital

[Windows 10] Digital License (HWID) & KMS38™ Generation
NOTE: When attempting to switch from default KMS to KMS38™ (LongLife) activation, run the KMS38 process by selecting from the drop-down-menu, then; if no Office is installed repeat process in 'Clean' mode (same menu), if Office is installed use 'Rearm'.

Make sure the Office KMS activation is excluding Windows KMS38™.

It's actually quite simple and doesn't mess with any system files and leaked (*errrm stolen) keys.

In Windows 10 all systems no matter how they were activated (be it via Upgrade from Windows 7/8.1 or by using a bought Retail or an embedded BIOS aka MSDM license) will be converted to a Digital License which is based on the Hard Ware ID (HWID) of the respective machine. This License is stored at MS Servers and will activate this machine every time it's freshly installed. Only hardware changes will cause the License being invalidated. By binding it to a Microsoft Account (MSA) you will be able to transfer it in latter case.
The process only needs to be performed once per machine. In later installs just skip any key prompts (choose 'I have no product key' during setup) and at first online contact the MS Server will regocnize the HWID and grant activation automatically.

The ticket creation has been appropriately refined for each MS SKU edition so that the Manual Method below is fully applicable to all of them. The Automated Method has been included as well for an easiest activation and works with all MS SKU editions and was specifically devised for the following ones:

Supported Windows 10 editions (SKUs):
  • Core (Home) (N) (HWID/KMS38™)
  • CoreSingleLanguage (N) (HWID/KMS38™)
  • Professional (N) (HWID/KMS38™)
  • ProfessionalEducation (N) (HWID/KMS38™)
  • ProfessionalWorkstation (N) (HWID/KMS38™)
  • Education (N) (HWID/KMS38™)
  • Enterprise (N) (HWID/KMS38™)
  • EnterpriseS  (N) 2015(HWID)
  • EnterpriseS (N) 2016 (HWID/KMS38™)
  • EnterpriseS  (N) 2019 (KMS38™)
  • ServerStandard(Core) (N) (KMS38™)
  • ServerDatacenterCore) (N) (KMS38™)
  • ServerSolution(Core) (N) (KMS38™)


# the files:

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# key and SKU-ID see the respective info TXT in files pack.

The Process:

#1. Copy files to a work folder, create exclusion in AV or disable temporarily. I will use d:\work as example.

#2. Install default generic key. Volume key (gVLK) for KMS38 or OEMRET for HWID (see included info TXT files).
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    #2.a KMS38 only: Create dummy KMS adress entry using the demo IP range.
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#3 LTSB 2015 only: rename gatherosstateLTSB15.exe to gatherosstate.exe (rename or overwrite the other).

#4. Depending on chosen process rename respective TargetSKU_XXXX.txt to TargetSKU.txt.

TargetSKU content syntax:
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#5.  Run gatherosstate.exe by (double-)clicking.

#6. To apply ticket:
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(note the trailing \)
    #6.a HWID only: force activation with:

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#7. DONE. Congrats.

NOTE:   The tool performs several system checks and may need a moment to appear (depending on your system specs), no need to panic, just wait a moment. Thanks.

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MIRROR1 Download:

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[Windows 10] Digital License (HWID) & KMS38™ Generation - by s1ave77 - 05-15-2018, 11:40 AM

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