03-28-2020, 06:26 AM
Current Situation My country is very not good, we lack of testing equipment (curentlly we have 150k from china but still there 265 Milion people in my country that need it and we are island base nation ), Hospital Bed, face mask,face shield,disinfectant, hand sanitizer and PPE, Our doctor and nurse on frontline on many state that far from capitol or nation main island are on "suicide mision" because of it. They force to us Raincoat. We also lack of doctor and nurse, and many already our genius and talented doctor died because of it. I am and my people, who not in main island but in other island state, we facing face mask shortage and test kit. We are scared but most of people are still need go to work without protection, goverment is also slow in respond this, they can take action fast in january but "unfortunely" they don't, almost every official and political member not caring or taking plan about it until late now, some of them laughing about it even our Minister of health saying " We are immune because we prayer everyday to god, not like them" to make everyting worse group of "Buzzer" make aggresive fake news and hoax related to Covid-19 Treatment, Spreading (blaming china people and othe racist sutff) also prevention (telling people eat garliyc,drink alcohol,smoking) Now we have more that 1000+ case highest death rate on Southeast asia (8,6% fatality rate) if you want follow situation and case update you can visit my goverment Arcgis Operation Dasboard on https://www.covid19.go.id/situasi-virus-corona/ .