(04-29-2020, 08:50 AM)chillgates Wrote: The contents of this section are hiddenYou have No permissions
just use either 8907 FF00 or 8924 FF00 on ALC1220 - ALC1220 chipsets first came out in late 2016
you won't see any newer FF00 HDA versions higher than 8924 until mid-May or June
edit 4/29 - reason why I mentioned the older 8799 FF00 HDA driver is because someone asked me in another forum that 8899 FF00 & higher driver versions cannot be installed on that person's system is because a legacy based ALC861 audio device was used on a very old Asus laptop and needed the 8799 driver that contained either the HDA.inf or HDX.inf file - btw, that person was using 32bit Win8.