Updated post #1 with AdobeCC2019-2020-GenP-2.6.2
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New patching logic for all 2019-2020 apps
Run patch as admin.
1. Advanced mode
It starts in "Manual mode":
Use it if you have custom installation path or want to patch just some specific apps.
Select Apps and push "Pill" button . You will be prompted with "File selection dialog".
Point to install location . Wait until its done. (Shows manual mode again)
2. Automatic mode .
If you've installed Apps in default locations then click on CC2019 or CC2020 button.
GenP will try to find and select apps for you . Then push "Pill" button
(If you don't want to patch all selected apps , just unselect something and push "Pill" button)
Wait until its done. (Shows manual mode again)
If you are having problems , reinstall and start fresh to use the latest patch
Added :
1. Lightroom Classic universal patches
2. Acrobat universal patches
3. Hevc universal patches
4. Team project universal patches
5. Creative cloud app universal patches (Will look cool and you will have access to previous apps)
6. ASP_v2_0_P.exe is removed (not neede anymore)
7. Lightroom online and Rush - Buy it if you need it
8. Muse, Flash Builder, Speed Grade won't be supported in GenP (They are too old)
9. Adobe Fresco added . Keep in mind that program will work only if you are signed-in.
10. If you see message in GenP “file is not vanilla” , don’t panic)
It means one of two things:
A-File was patched before or
B-Some crucial pattern was changed and GenP needs to be updated.
New patching logic for all 2019-2020 apps
Run patch as admin.
1. Advanced mode
It starts in "Manual mode":
Use it if you have custom installation path or want to patch just some specific apps.
Select Apps and push "Pill" button . You will be prompted with "File selection dialog".
Point to install location . Wait until its done. (Shows manual mode again)
2. Automatic mode .
If you've installed Apps in default locations then click on CC2019 or CC2020 button.
GenP will try to find and select apps for you . Then push "Pill" button
(If you don't want to patch all selected apps , just unselect something and push "Pill" button)
Wait until its done. (Shows manual mode again)
If you are having problems , reinstall and start fresh to use the latest patch
Added :
1. Lightroom Classic universal patches
2. Acrobat universal patches
3. Hevc universal patches
4. Team project universal patches
5. Creative cloud app universal patches (Will look cool and you will have access to previous apps)
6. ASP_v2_0_P.exe is removed (not neede anymore)
7. Lightroom online and Rush - Buy it if you need it
8. Muse, Flash Builder, Speed Grade won't be supported in GenP (They are too old)
9. Adobe Fresco added . Keep in mind that program will work only if you are signed-in.
10. If you see message in GenP “file is not vanilla” , don’t panic)
It means one of two things:
A-File was patched before or
B-Some crucial pattern was changed and GenP needs to be updated.