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windows antivirus the defender is 10 best

Windows Defender Is the Best Windows 10 Antivirus
Antivirus are a two sided sword: they are constantly showing false positives (specially for software cracks) so from the moment you open them, you are in risk.
Personally I prefer the file monitors which scan changes in the system. If you open the file and the crack do more changes than expected then it's clear that there is a virus and where is the virus. With linux and software like inotify this is a piece of cake, but with Windows, it's slightly worse to track it but doable.
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I personally find Windows Defender very annoying and kind of bloated. Most of its features are not very useful according to me. I may be wrong but even its interface is kind of confusing. An anti-virus which ships with every OS should be at least easy to navigate.
The best antivirus so far used by me is Quickheal.
Since a couple of years, 'ive been only using windows defender and never had any security incident.
so far it's a good free antivirus
i haven't used any security applications since the early 2000s, ha

i always found them to be intrusive resource hogs, so i got in the habit of always removing them from my OS

i've successfully avoided viruses since then by just knowing what NOTto click on,
and using adblock extensions

99% of the time my friends/family complain about "viruses" it's simply an issue of slow, outdated hardware that they refuse to update
True. Havent Used any other antivirus other than defender for a while now
Other antivirus softwares tend to inject ads to my OS and bother my normal workspace.
Best antivirus is common sense and using uBlock Origin (helps with any popup or redirects that would occur on a torrent size) in my opinion. I use Avast though (strictly with the silent mode on) just to be one the safe side, but if you are concerned about any program you should just try a virtual machine (I think Microsoft itself has some official virtual environment you can get from their site) or use a program like Sandboxy.
Ive always liked Vipre AV.  been using it for years. Also use it in my business. WD does a pretty good job though.

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