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to prefer over why https you http have do

Why do you have to prefer HTTPS over HTTP
(04-25-2021, 11:58 AM)yyjh Wrote: Let's Encrypt has done a big change to the internet, that is for sure. But the biggest problem of Let's Encrypt's certificates is that most normal people see that little green secure lock at the address bar, they tend to think the website is legit and without any problem. Let's Encrypt has issued a lot of certificates, but has done too little explaining https is not risk free.
So now many browsers have removed the green secure lock
HTTPS is required ID information.
Because of websites with HTTPS are trusted than HTTP websites.
Frankly, if any website loads as http and doesn't force me over to https, then I'm already concerned about their security enough to walk away
Nginx + Let'sEncrypt = Safe... Just use it sysadmins
I wish all sites support HTTPS, but there are still sites that only use HTTP... Thankfully the website that I use most are all using HTTPS, so its secure and nobody can steal my information  58

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