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windows antivirus the defender is 10 best

Windows Defender Is the Best Windows 10 Antivirus
(07-28-2018, 12:18 PM)dMog Wrote:
(07-20-2018, 03:41 PM)s1ave77 Wrote: I lately switched 2 machines running Defender for about 2 years to ESET IS. On my system ESET found the files i had excluded in Defender and on the other 2 PUPs. Not bad considering 1 machine is running Win 8.1 update 1.

A quite underestimated part of the equation is a fortified browser (to avoid drive-by stuff and obvious mining attempts) paired with a generally sceptic user behavior. Things that sound too good are never true ... this is the internet not any magic realm some seem to expect it.

The thing that made me switch was the annoying amount of background scanning Defender performs for any system related action a users starts, delaying the action upto several seconds.

what do you think of the paid version of Zemana ...would it be a waste of time and effort or is it a good program...hard to go by what is written on the internet because very little is not written about this stuff that is not from the software makers themselves or by people that are somehow surreptitiously  beholden to the software makers....
 so i try to ask at sites like this for honest opinions

Zemana is not an Anti-Virus and can only be used as a secundary scanner next to AV
[Image: XeGouw2s_o.png]
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Skunk1966 for this post:
  • nodnar, s1ave77
I wouldnt trust Windows Defender.  If these cumulative updates have spying integrated in them what's stopping microsoft from making there antivirus FREE antivirus (nothing is truelly free in this world free programs have ad's displayed or there collecting data from you or both) from doing telemetry and there windows firewall to microsoft could have there windows firewall ignore rules that attempt to block there services or ip addresses.  If I was microsoft and I offered a free firewall to users and wanted to make sure that users couldnt block my services or IP Addresses I would make the firewall ignore those rules why not its my firewall and Im offering it for free I wouldnt create a piece of software that could be used against me I would implement a failsafe (rules being ignored with no workaround or way to stop it).
A lot of the mistrust of Microsoft leads back to the way they use to be. It's kind of hard to trust a company that historically, has been reluctant to protect its users. but this was because of anti-trust threats from anti-virus software providers. And sure enough as soon as they baked in and anti-virus the anti-virus software providers started going after Microsoft because they could not keep there products compatible with windows 10 so they worked out a deal to work together .

As far as on spying you that's what they do in order to protect you ,it has really deep access to you're computer ..I dont trust no antivirus at and SSL level I use ESET but i dont give them access to SSL on my computer its not needed it will stop and delete any malware if it has the signature anyway . Its just like there fake blacklisting of sites if a site that's blacklisted is really infected it will list the infection.

Here while back i was testing ESET and there was a coin miner malware hiding behind a url that ESET was blocking coming from websites Kodi addons was scanning . Well there url block was blocking the url but still the coin miner malware was able to gain access to my startup folder and ESET had to delete it and quarantine it . ESET web protection failed but ESET real time file protection worked. So i added the url to my host that has the coin miner malware and i had no problem since. The moral to this story is why trust it too spy on you on SSL when most likely web protection is not going to work no how?

Windows defender gives you very little control over what it does on your system but most free anti-virus dont i think out of all the free ones Avast gives you the most control , I'm not sure about Kaspersky free as I've not tried it yet its kind of new. I've not used a free anti-virus since 2014 expect for Windows defender when i 1st installed windows tell i got around to disabling it.

Thing is back in 2006, half of PCs were unprotected ..Still today like 20% of Windows 7 users don't use no anti-virus today ..This is the reason Windows baked in a anti-virus is because users were too stupid to protect themselves, it had nothing to do with them wanting to spy on you .They are taking a risk of being sued by other vendors by even bringing it to you . But like everything else because of 20% of stupid people now the other 80% of us has to pay because they are trying to force there protection on you even if you always protected yourself . Same reason browsers are becoming such a pain and things people kept installing malware and things in them , but like most of us never did.
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to mastersteven for this post:
  • nodnar, s1ave77, Skunk1966
i like Shadow Defender more 1
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(08-25-2018, 01:02 PM)mastersteven Wrote: I'm not sure about Kaspersky free as I've not tried it yet its kind of new. I've not used a free anti-virus since 2014 expect for Windows defender when i 1st installed windows tell i got around to disabling it. 

well one of my late aunts bought the full version of kaspersky internet security suite (not the free version) a few years ago and it protected her win7 machine pretty well, maybe even better than the ms security essentials app for win7

note that the win7 version of defender is not the same as the win10 version as W7's defender was only anti-spyware (weak) but the W10 version of defender is nearly a full antivirus app
How about Symantec Endpoint Protection?
I use it on all my PCs.
hm. i guess I am too lazy to protect myself too..
I use w7 mse, and free malwarebytes..
when the mood strikes me I use Eset`s online scanner.
on the whole the whole collection only ever found 2 pups.
I do not trust m$ either, and I think the whole antivirus business
is a waste of effort money, and pc-resources.
If malware did not exist they would have to invent it in the interest
of the world economy.
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  • MaskedUser
why there's a need to use any av if still some app paves false positive results . i think best option is to use shadow defender to be in shadow mode when executing an executable for analysis & after reboot sysetm will be in pre configured state . i am using shadow defender since a year with great results as i have set my system to be in shadow mode always on boot for no changes to os as well as random access memory state . excluded D: drive from shadow mode to save apps after installation or execution. according to me its simply the best alternate to be used .
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  • wisebiscuit
(10-09-2019, 05:14 PM)Disk2019 Wrote: why there's a need to use any av if still some app paves false positive results . i think best option is to use shadow defender to be in shadow mode when executing an executable for analysis & after reboot sysetm will be in pre configured state . i am using shadow defender since a year with great results as i have set my system to be in shadow mode always on boot for no changes to os as well as random access memory state . excluded D: drive from shadow mode to save apps after installation or execution. according to me its simply the best alternate to be used .
read this (all comments + video) because it makes a lot of sense!


SD can't prevent your OS and files becoming infected but it can make sure that your files and OS are safe after a reboot
[Image: XeGouw2s_o.png]
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Skunk1966 for this post:
  • MaskedUser, nodnar
yes brother i agree with you as some malware are fud fully undetectable with rootkit which travels from hdd/ssd to ram vice versa ram to hdd /ssd upon reboots . bootsect repair is only the way to remove those from master boot records .

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