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windows antivirus the defender is 10 best

Windows Defender Is the Best Windows 10 Antivirus
(09-28-2019, 08:57 PM)erp-ster0 Wrote:
(08-25-2018, 01:02 PM)mastersteven Wrote: I'm not sure about Kaspersky free as I've not tried it yet its kind of new. I've not used a free anti-virus since 2014 expect for Windows defender when i 1st installed windows tell i got around to disabling it. 

well one of my late aunts bought the full version of kaspersky internet security suite (not the free version) a few years ago and it protected her win7 machine pretty well, maybe even better than the ms security essentials app for win7

note that the win7 version of defender is not the same as the win10 version as W7's defender was only anti-spyware (weak) but the W10 version of defender is nearly a full antivirus app
Windows Defender is just monopoly-ware something people just use because it baked into Windows and people will praise  it regardless of  how good it is because it's freeware. They nasty malware out there now that attacks Windows Defender and shuts it down . I's kind of like Windows is since it's most used desktop OS it has the most desktop malware . Well since Windows Defender is the most used Antivirus it's the most targeted and it has the most exploits being written to shut it it down. If you think it's better it is because you just not been infected with the right strain of malware yet.  Some people don't use nothing but conman sense and never get infected for years tell one day they do. 3
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  • Cerberus, MaskedUser, nodnar, Skunk1966
I use Symantec endpoint protection.  Never failed me yet. Using wget to download the client version which is free.  Guess it's up to the end user.
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to Cerberus for this post:
  • Aaron, MaskedUser, mastersteven
(10-09-2019, 06:02 PM)Skunk1966 Wrote:
(10-09-2019, 05:14 PM)Disk2019 Wrote: why there's a need to use any av if still some app paves false positive results . i think best option is to use shadow defender to be in shadow mode when executing an executable for analysis & after reboot sysetm will be in pre configured state . i am using shadow defender since a year with great results as i have set my system to be in shadow mode always on boot for no changes to os as well as random access memory state . excluded D: drive from shadow mode to save apps after installation or execution. according to me its simply the best alternate to be used .
read this (all comments + video) because it makes a lot of sense!


SD can't prevent your OS and files becoming infected but it can make sure that your files and OS are safe after a reboot
Indeed, SD is excellent insofar as returning your system its prior (hopefully clean) state upon rebooting, but SD alone offers no protection against ID-theft (and the like), so imho it is vital to complement SD with realtime anti-malware that can protect against that sort of attack/infection!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Aaron for this post:
  • Skunk1966
Sorry for the duplicate post (not sure how that happened) and I don't see anyway that I could delete one of them!
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Aaron for this post:
  • Cerberus
Hello Aaron, I removed the dup for you.  1
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Cerberus for this post:
  • Aaron
Thumbs Up 
(10-14-2019, 09:20 PM)Cerberus Wrote: Hello Aaron, I removed the dup for you.  1
Thanks!  -   But why isn't there a way to edit or delete our own posts?
Check your pm for answer.
(07-28-2018, 12:18 PM)dMog Wrote:  so i try to ask at sites like this for honest opinions
I use ZAM as a second opinion scanner and it has been very helpful in that use!  A few times it found adware and malware that somehow avoided WD (and it scans much faster than WD)!
(10-13-2019, 09:52 PM)Cerberus Wrote: I use Symantec endpoint protection.  Never failed me yet. Using wget to download the client version which is free.  Guess it's up to the end user.
Hey Cerb, this really interests me!  Would you please let me know where to grab the SEP client and 'wget' (whatever that is)?
I am using a combination of Bitdefender and M365 with ATP mixed into Windows Defender.  I can't way I am too impressed with Windows Defender, but it seems like all of the paid AVs tend to have some major annoyances.  For instance, SEP caused issues with Win Server 2019 for me, as in causing reduced throughput, Bitdefender spams their VPN constantly. To answer your question Aaron, wget is software that is used to pull data from links without the need of a browser.  You tend to see it used a lot in linux based environments.

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