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war hopefully world not 3

world war 3 hopefully not
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Delboy for this post:
  • Mr.X, schn4ppi
(04-09-2018, 08:06 PM)Delboy Wrote:

I hope not too.. But i am not over worried. The main players all have got too much to lose.I could be getting on thin ice, with the forum rules over that, because i have a warm sympathy for Israel. So i will spare you all my opinons. 3
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to nodnar for this post:
  • Michaela Joy, Mr.X, WALLONN7
As individuals, we can all get along with one another. But not as countries.

It makes me angry and sad at the same time.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Michaela Joy for this post:
  • nodnar, retired
Its a crazy world we live in, lets hope its only words batle we are facing now.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to donkeygirl for this post:
were i can see this video ?
Knowledge is better than power, because if you know enough, you can create and maintain power If you have power, but no knowledge, you'll just ending up losing what power you
have   https://knowledgerce.blogspot.com/

                                                                                             [Image: JHNSd0t.jpg]
The video is now unavailable.
I hope someone will upload it.
They want to hide the truth from us!
Thats why they deleted the video.
Time is the best. Medicine/Cure.
summary of the video?
Yep, video gone. Sad times.

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