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6 audiobook smart player mod v7 3

Smart AudioBook Player v7.6.3 [Mod]
[Image: 0j6Dlctczo1tX7dQSYFBFfSHQAf_NI8SjQdU92NV...90=s180-rw]

[Image: HTYyyR7bk2-bFD34jl-2Nh6u6TStGXmTUuQiPvwr...20-h310-rw] [Image: Jf3XpA6cItR0oB2lVj1OjDmXK37ZqPHwD-TfBLiE...20-h310-rw] [Image: xOSRPEevSyen4CY0gul-3c0NYkMOC5dbuZGDOpri...20-h310-rw] [Image: jvYHCS54i8-4QwAH7CEbGoVm_vF8RRMgEq7uRAjQ...20-h310-rw]

The app is designed specially for playing audio books.
Assumed that you have audiobooks and already copied them to your phone.
First 30 days Full version. Later - Basic version.
+ Chromecast support.
+ Playback speed control.
+ Classification of books (new, started, finished).
+ Download cover from the Internet.
+ List of characters. You can manually create a list of characters to easier follow the story.
+ Automatic pause in case you fall asleep. To continue playback just shake your phone.
+ Playback history.
+ Application Widget. Allows you to control the player from the home screen.
+ By specifying a root folder containing all your audiobook, you can exclude your folders which contains music and other audio files.
+ You don't have to finish one book to start another. The progress is saved independently for all books.

To purchase (restore after reinstalling) full version press:
menu--Help--Version tab
Phone must be connected to the Internet.
Full version cost is $2.

Many thanks to people who left comments and suggestions.
If you have something that doesn't work please write an email instead of leaving a comment.

Version for Android 4.4 - 5.1:
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Version for Android 4.1 - 4.3:
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Version with old icon:
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• Standalone Android Package
• Android App Bundle Repacked (Split APKs Packer v5.5.1 by KirIif’)
• CPU armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a
• Screen ldpi [120dpi], mdpi [160dpi], hdpi [240dpi], xhdpi [320dpi], xxhdpi [480dpi], xxxhdpi [640dpi]
• Multi Languages
• Full version unlocked
• Remove support for wear devices
• Optimized graphics and cleaned resources

Download :
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[Image: JrIvo2Z.gif]
Far better option, and this is coming from a Smart Audiobook Player snob: Sirin Audiobook Player.
It makes all the other audiobook players look like shit in comparison. It's far more beautiful than the other two, and got killer features like double tap to add notes / bookmarks to location and if you are like me and have high-quality album art for your audiobooks, it displays it beautifully. Developer is working on a widget and equalizer but as is, it's still the best imo.
The closest app it reminds me from iOS is Bound, which in the apple ecosystem is the best Audiobook player the iPhone has. (I recently moved back to Android, so was happy to find Sirin, because it's pretty close to what I loved on Apple)

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