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Author: Bl4ckCyb3rEnigm4 - Replies: 1 - Views: 3999
Cloning a disk
First step is to create a clone to be sure the information over the original disk remain untouched, so we will use the clone disk for all the forensics operation we will do. For make a clone there are Linux distros made for that operation like Deft or CAINE(this distro is used from law enforcement). You can use also any Linux distribution but why relay on a not specific distro? That two I mentioned are free and have the option to mount a disk how read only and most important is the
Author: iamnuts - Replies: 1 - Views: 1015
Recommendations for for SSD cloning
I usual do fresh installs, but on this occasion I'm looking to move an installation from a much smaller (older) ssd to something a bit bigger in the region of 512+

Can anyone recommend a simple but effective solution. Preferably free or open source

Many Thanks