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Author: Koramitlu - Replies: 26 - Views: 14232
What is your favorite Linux OS and why do you prefer it?
Mine is Linux Mint. I like it mostly for its ease-of-use, convenience, user-friendliness and elegance. It's also one of the most well-designed, graphically-speaking and interface-wise. Cinnamon and MATE are fantastic!

It's also a great beginner-friendly/entry level Linux OS.

Mint's logo/icon:

[Image: https://linuxmint.com/img/logo.png]

Side-notes: I got my start on Ubuntu though. Hardy Heron, I believe. Unfortunately, I am not a very big fan of Ubuntu anymore.

Shoutout to Fedora
Author: BerbQ - Replies: 0 - Views: 1744
Astronaut’s Favorite Part
What is an astronaut’s favorite part on a computer?
The Space Bar.

What do you call an apology written in dots and dashes?
Re-Morse code.
Author: gugtenterf - Replies: 1 - Views: 1088
Oscar favorite
Everything Everywhere All at Once: Surprise Oscars favourite

It's good to see some diversity (yes, ethnicity, but also low budget movies) in Oscar Awards, but IMHO, only movies sommeliers can see, taste and feel something more deep in Everything, everywhere all at once than what it is to me: a pop mashup of nerds and philosophies concepts and martial arts.

But, anyways, one c