Firewall rules generator by Bl4ckCyb3rEnigm4
I created that tool for me but after some time I distributed it on the zer0cod3(the guy firstly cracked adobe 2019) site last year. Now I made a lot of changes and I decided to share that tool with you. It's compatible with Windows 7, 8, 10. It creates a Bat file with all the exes that are located in a folder, then you can execute the bat to make all the firewall rules be applied. It's capable of adding and deleting firewall rules. It has support over some languages: Chinese, German, English, Sp
Randon Keys (Password) Generator
Code: https://randomkeygen.com/
ByteScout Bar Code Generator
[Image: https://i.postimg.cc/dQ2YJCmP/image.png]
Bytescout BarCode Generator is able to generate and export barcode into image (PNG, JPG, TIFF, GIF).
This is a free barcode generator software compatible with Excel, Word, PowerPoint and other document editors by the Copy/Paste commands so if you’re looking for free barcode generator excel it’s the simplest solution. GS1 and EAN barcode generation is supported also so an easy way to try EAN bookland barcode generator an
ePID Generator
ePID Generator v2.1.3d
Generates "real" pids for KMS activation.
Code: https://download.ru/files/iXboAiso
Code: .exe hash:
CRC32 8A1909DF
MD5 52AD458896AD0ABDE32E3C19DEFE8153
SHA-256 EFDB4445FC5AE3E0C291D064A761093FDBB3F7592793C5BDDA546817BE11B152
Code: Changelog:
* Fixed 0ff1ce pid generator
* Added generator for Win Serv 2022
* Added generator for Off1ce 2019