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Author: Dean213 - Replies: 4 - Views: 8019
Light Humor
Teacher Fell Asleep In Class And A Little Naughty Boy Walked Up To Him,

Little Boy : “Teacher Are You Sleeping In Class?”
Teacher : “No I Am Not Sleeping In Class.”
Little Boy : “What Were You Doing Sir?”
Teacher : ” I Was Talking To God.”

The Next Day The Naughty Boy FellAsleep In Class And The Same
Teacher Walks Up To Him

Author: bebb - Replies: 1 - Views: 1264
Irish Humor
A car full of Irish nuns is sitting at a traffic light in downtown Dublin, when a bunch of rowdy drunks pull up alongside of them.
"Hey, show us yer tits, ya bloody penguins!" shouts one of the drunks.

Quite shocked, Mother Superior turns to Sister Mary Immaculata and says, "I don't think they know who we are; show them your cross."

Sister Mary Immaculata rolls down her window and shouts, "Piss off, ya fookin' little wankers, before I come over there and rip yer balls off!"

Sister Mary