US House Speaker Paul Ryan to retire in blow to Republicans
More on this
Code: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43729218
In a Leaked Memo, Apple Warns Employees to Stop Leaking Information
By [color=#000000][size=medium][font=BWHaasHead-75Bold, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mark Gurman
[size=small][font=TiemposTextWeb-Regular, Georgia, Cambria,]April 13, 2018, 11:18 AM MDT [font=TiemposTextWeb-Regular, Georgia, Cambria,][color=#767676][font=T
Understanding the Syrian crisis in 5 minutes
Author: PriSim - Replies: 0 - Views: 4014
Quick-sealing surgical glue closes wounds in seconds
source: fb.com/InTheKnowInnovationAOL
Within Temptation - Shot in the Dark
Megadeth - In My Darkest Hour
Author: mona - Replies: 0 - Views: 3564
Trixie Whitley - Breathe You In My Dreams
Trixie Whitley
Breathe You In My Dreams
Navy Cyber War Breakthrough - AI Finds Malware in Encrypted Traffic
Pentagon searches for malware buried in encrypted web traffic
by Kris Osborn - Warrior Maven
The Pentagon is working with major industry tech developers to use artificial intelligence and cloud computing to detect enemy cyberattacks buried or otherwise obscured beneath encrypted web traffic.
Algorithms calling upon advanced AI are being used to quickly access vast pools of data to perform real-time analytics designed to detect patterns and anomalies associated with malware.
“Every day, the De
Author: dwarka - Replies: 1 - Views: 5028
Using the Chrome Task Manager to Find In-Browser Miners
Using the Chrome Task Manager to Find In-Browser Miners
By Lawrence Abrams.
February 15, 2017
The use of browsers to mine for digital currency is becoming a major problem. With more and more sites incorporating in-browser mining scripts such as CoinHive and web extensions injecting them into web pages, people will continue to be affected by this attack.
When a browser is used for in-browser mining, the computer's CPU will b
Herpes Viruses Linked to Alzheimer's Disease in New Brain Research
by Ed Cara
Thursday 5:15pm
A fringe theory about the origins of Alzheimer’s disease—that latent viral infections can sometimes trigger its emergence—has gotten perhaps its most significant bit of support yet. A complex new study published Thursday in Neuron has found evidence that certain viruses are not only more common in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s, but that they play a direct role in the chain of events responsible for the fatal neurodegenerative disorder.
As study author