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Author: Bl4ckCyb3rEnigm4 - Replies: 0 - Views: 2566
[packt] Hands-On ROS for Robotics Programming: Program highly autonomous and AI-capab
[Image: https://i.postimg.cc/V6LcPs2S/image.png]

Key Features
  • Learn fundamental ROS concepts and apply them to solve navigation tasks
  • Work with single board computers to program smart behavior in mobile robots
  • Understand how specific characteristics of the physical environment influence your robot’s performance
Book Description
Connecting a physical robot to a robot simulation using the Robot Operating System (ROS) infra
Author: Bl4ckCyb3rEnigm4 - Replies: 0 - Views: 1886
Programming Machine Learning: From Coding to Deep Learning
[Image: https://i.imgur.com/v5PAZZ0.png]
You've decided to tackle machine learning - because you're job hunting, embarking on a new project, or just think self-driving cars are cool. But where to start? It's easy to be intimidated, even as a software developer. The good news is that it doesn't have to be that hard. Master machine learning by writing code one line at a time, from simple learning programs all the way to a true deep learning system. Tackle the hard topics by breaking them down s
Author: Bl4ckCyb3rEnigm4 - Replies: 0 - Views: 2022
Effective C: An Introduction to Professional C Programming
[Image: https://i.imgur.com/Zhb1Dmf.png]
The world runs on code written in the C programming language, yet most schools begin the curriculum with Python or Java. Effective C bridges this gap and brings C into the modern era--covering the modern C17 Standard as well as potential C2x features. With the aid of this instant classic, you'll soon be writing professional, portable, and secure C programs to power robust systems and solve real-world problems.

Robert C. Seacord introduces C a
Author: Bl4ckCyb3rEnigm4 - Replies: 0 - Views: 2354
Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters, 2nd
[Image: https://i.imgur.com/nXh0h1a.png]

Fully-updated for Python 3, the second edition of this worldwide bestseller (over 100,000 copies sold) explores the stealthier side of programming and brings you all new strategies for your hacking projects.

When it comes to creating powerful and effective hacking tools, Python is the language of choice for most security analysts. In Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition, you’ll explore the darker side of Python’s capabilities—writing networ