RAM and it's degradation
A RAM after the computer is shutted down start is degradation of what contains, but if you cryogenically freeze the RAM, you will make the degradation process slower nearly arresting it. That work because the copper that is contained inside the RAM will become less conductor if the temperature is enough low. You will what you can do knowing that here an article about a use of the RAM in the forensics field
Microsoft's Software is Malware
Back Doors
Microsoft Windows has a universal back door through which any change whatsoever can be imposed on the users.
This was reported in 2007 for XP and Vista, and it seems that Microsoft used the same method to push the Windows 10 downgrade to computers running Windows 7 and 8.
In Windows 10, the universal back door is no longer hidden; all “upgrades” will be forcibly and immediately imposed.
Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption.
The German governm
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Image's metadata and exif
When analyzing a image, you have to check the exif and the metadata, here you can find some useful information. The exif, that stand for Exchangeable image file format, contains some information about the camera or the program that edited the image. Here you can find also where the image was taken or which device took it, but sometimes can happen that these information have been removed by softwares or sites.
[b]But before analyzing the original image make a backup and work on a copy not on the
LG's exit from smartphone business looks increasingly likely after buyers pull out
Code: https://www.techspot.com/news/89014-lg-exit-smartphone-business-looks-increasingly-likely-after.html
While LG continues to be a leader in televisions, monitors, and home appliances, the company has spent years watching its share of the smartphone market diminish. The 6.5 million devices it shipped in Q3 2020 marked a 7.2 million decline compared to the same quarter a year earlier, and the smartphone group has lost about 5 trillion won ($4.5 billion) across the last five years.
Amazon's delivery workers must agree to AI surveillance or risk losing their jobs, re
Amazon's obsession with efficiency is well-documented at this point. The tech giant does everything it can to push workers to their limits, and encourage them to work harder in the name of supporting the massive, two-day-shipping empire Amazon has created. The latest efficiency-boosting measure the company has implemented is a bit more forceful than others, though.
Since February, Amazon's delivery drivers (those working directly under the company, or for any of Amazon's partnered delivery agen
Author: bebb - Replies: 28 - Views: 28210
Erika Lewis sings and the whole world's a better place
tuba skinny - going back home
Papa's got your bathwater on -Tuba Skinny
Tuba Skinny - "C. C. Rider"
Tuba Skinny - "Blue Moon of Kentucky
Tuba Skinny ~ I Get the Blues
Tuba Skinny -"Egyptian Ella
Author: guvven - Replies: 4 - Views: 5127
Full FDA approval of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 shots would reinvigorate the U.S
I am waiting for full appproval and here it says it is coming in a few months.
Code: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/full-fda-approval-of-pfizers-and-modernas-covid-19-shots-would-reinvigorate-the-u-s-vaccination-push-but-it-could-still-be-months-away-11624916148?mod=home-page
Author: bebb - Replies: 0 - Views: 1421
The Story of Adam & Eve's Dog
Adam and Eve said, "Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you anymore. We are lonely here and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us."
And God said, "I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you,
so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be,
this new companion will accept you as you are and
K's Choice (various)
A selection of lighter and heavier tracks from their albums (sort of a best of)
A Sound That Only You Can Hear
Almost Happy
Always Everywhere
Another Year
Bag Full Of Concrete
Come Alive
Gimme Real
Not An Addict
Perfect Scar
Private Revolution
The Phantom Cowboy
We Are The Universe
Code: https://workupload.com/file/ZBMLwG8yk3V
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