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Author: UpGrade - Replies: 0 - Views: 2412
WinHex Specialist v19.9 Repack & Portable
WinHex Specialist v19.9 Repack & Portable
[Image: https://i.imgur.com/O4WvdCT.png]
WinHex is in its core a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security. An advanced tool for everyday and emergency use: inspect and edit all kinds of files, recover deleted files or lost data from hard drives with corrupt file systems or from digital camera cards
Author: UpGrade - Replies: 12 - Views: 6330
WinHex Specialist v19.9 Repack & Portable
WinHex Specialist v19.9 Repack & Portable
[Image: https://i.imgur.com/O4WvdCT.png]
WinHex is in its core a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security. An advanced tool for everyday and emergency use: inspect and edit all kinds of files, recover deleted files or lost data from hard drives with corrupt file systems or from di